Celebrating 2 Years of Knopee

We did not emerge from the woods!

We grew and we can help you do so

The beginning…

In 2017, a single man stood as the provider of digital services- website design, graphics and café operations among many undefined services, in the name of Godly Media Concepts

2019, the Globalization

This physical space became remote alongside the world as modifications occurred and services were tailored to become more digital, of course more hands were needed on deck and we got volunteers as we also did several volunteer projects.

The Expansion…

In 2020, Church Media Solutions was created as a branch where we trained church media personnel

The Establishment

In 2022, Our company name was modified to be known globally as Knopee Digital Services Ltd. With our core values intact. Our Company registration was finalized as a Limited Shares Company.

Our story is best told today as we celebrate this great milestone: Two Years of Knopee Digital Services Ltd.

Our utmost gratitude goes to GOD almighty who has been our strength and had (still having us in mind) before the foundations of the world were set. To HIM be glory and honour forevermore.

The challenges we encountered have made us stronger and we remain dedicated to offering the best digital services to everyone who is passionate about getting the best.

Our best work is yet to be done and this is why we look forward to having the opportunity to work for more clients in the incoming years. Our future prospects are worth looking forward to as we plan to delve into the world of Artificial Intelligence, Personalization of Services and Cyber security to enhance your digital experience and take your business to the next level. Sit tight as we unfold the best digital experience at the tip of your finger.

We would love to specially appreciate our standing clients: those who have always been there for us; the organisations, businesses and religious bodies, our client and friends who have consistently referred us for great gigs, we appreciate your commitment to and trust in Knopee. 

Whilst we promise to make more meaningful and digital memories together in the future, here is to a heartfelt celebration of our wonderful team of dedicated staff, executive officers and Interns. Thank you for giving Knopee your all, working together to make our clients’ experiences better.

Our social media pages as well as our website are open for your perusal where you can explore the wealth of services offered by our reputable company while you make the decision to be our next lucky client whom we will serve with expertise and great attention. We cannot wait to hear from you.